Videos featuring PwC Health Research Institute ­ List of Organizations

Tune into this episode of PwC's Next in Health to hear PwC Health Research Institute's Trine Tsouderos, and Strategy& Principal, Igor Belokrinitsky, in discussion with PwC's Global Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences Cyber Leader, Nalneesh Gaur and PwC's Cybersecurity Principal, Robbie Higgins, on cybersecurity issues and privacy laws that pharmaceuticals and life sciences companies are dealing with in China. This episode includes insights and implications of: 

  • China Cybersecurity Law
  • Multi-layer Protection Scheme 2.0
  • Data Security Law
  • Personal Information Protection Law

Tune into this episode of PwC's Next in Health to hear PwC Health Research Institute's Trine Tsouderos, and Strategy& Principal, Igor Belokrinitsky, on the long-respected history of bloodletting, including:

  • Barber surgeons and early medicine
  • The practice and evolution of bloodletting
  • The influence of ancient principles on modern medicine

Tune into this episode of PwC's Next in Health to hear PwC Health Research Institute's Trine Tsouderos, and Strategy& Principal, Igor Belokrinitsky, in discussion with PwC’s Partner, Derek Gaasch, on how health insurance companies can optimize their member engagement, to help them achieve better health, including:

  • The consumerization of health
  • The importance of advocacy for members and health insurers
  • Proactive efforts to increase members’ health and wellness engagement
  • Technology’s impact on member advocacy

Tune into this episode of PwC's Next in Health to hear PwC Health Research Institute's Trine Tsouderos, and Strategy& Principal, Igor Belokrinitsky, in discussion with PwC’s Consulting Solutions Director, Aparna Kumar, on how the U.S. can overcome the shortage of healthcare workers, including:

  • Physician workforce projections released in The Association of American Medical Colleges’ (AAMC) annual report
  • The pandemic’s impact on the physician shortages
  • Decreasing regulatory barriers for internationally educated physicians could ease the burden of physician shortages
  • Short-term strategies to address physician workforce shortages

Tune into this episode of PwC's Next in Health to hear PwC Health Research Institute's Trine Tsouderos, and Strategy& Principal, Igor Belokrinitsky, in discussion with Carrum Health’s CEO, Sachin Jain and SVP of Provider Partnerships, Christoph Dankert, on healthcare marketplace and delivery transformation, including:

  • The role of value based care and price transparency in addressing current state issues such as physician incentive misalignment
  • The impact of shifting power, behavior and quality dynamics between providers, payers, employers and consumers
  • The role of bundles, and the influence of data and technology, in driving meaningful prices, quality of care and the overall healthcare experience

The pandemic has shifted how and where Americans gain access to care, a shift large enough to influence multiple aspects of price and utilization and, thus, medical cost trend. PwC tells us that the aftereffects of the pandemic and the health system’s response to changes and failures observed during the pandemic are expected to drive up spending (inflators) in 2022. At the same time, some positive changes in consumer behavior and provider operating models that occurred during the pandemic are expected to drive down spending (deflators) in 2022.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare costs has become clearer. For the first time during the 16-year history of the Milliman Medical Index, healthcare costs decreased during the past year (between 2019 and 2020). Eliminated care more than offset the cost of COVID-19 testing and treatments in 2020. But in 2021, Milliman projects healthcare costs to grow again, with the cost of healthcare for a hypothetical family of four insured through an employer PPO standing at $28,256.

This session provides detailed discussion of medical cost trend calculations, projections, components and implications addressed in this year’s release of the PwC Behind the Numbers, and Milliman Medical Index Reports, with time provided for audience Q&A.

Additional Tags: cost, utilization, premium, self-insurance, self-funding, TPA

Tune into this episode of PwC's Next in Health to hear PwC Health Research Institute's Trine Tsouderos, and Strategy& Principal, Igor Belokrinitsky, in discussion with US Pharmaceutical & Life Sciences Deals Leader, Glenn Hunzinger and US Health Services Deals Leader, Nick Donkar, on the current deals activity impacting the health and pharma and life sciences sectors, including: 

  • Tailwinds that are driving sector deals activity and growth
  • Headwinds that pose challenges for deals activity
  • Factors that can influence merger and acquisition success
  • Deals landscape outlook 

Tune into this episode of PwC's Next in Health to hear PwC Health Research Institute's Trine Tsouderos, and Strategy& Principal, Igor Belokrinitsky, in discussion with Pharmaceutical Quality Partner, Jan Paul Zonnenberg, on the importance of drug quality in the health ecosystem, including:

  • The history and current state of pharmaceutical quality in the U.S.
  • Patient trust and quality in the drug development ecosystem
  • What forces are accelerating quality improvements?
  • The role of culture in improving drug quality


Tune into this episode of PwC's Next in Health to hear PwC Health Research Institute's Trine Tsouderos, and Strategy& Principal, Igor Belokrinitsky, discuss how consumers are accessing their healthcare post pandemic, including:

  • Challenges and implications of differing perspectives among provider executives and consumers on virtual health
  • Considerations for delivering a personalized virtual health experience
  • New entrants' role in shaping the health system
  • Importance and influence of consumer preferences in optimizing the care delivery experience


Tune into this episode of PwC's Next in Health to hear PwC Health Research Institute's Trine Tsouderos, and Strategy& Principal, Igor Belokrinitsky, discuss medical cost trend for 2021 and expectations for 2022, including:

  • The impact of COVID-19
  • Projections for the coming year
  • The effects of deferred care and intervention
  • The need for investments in forecasting and predictive modeling

Tune into this episode of PwC's Next in Health to hear PwC Health Research Institute's Trine Tsouderos, and Strategy& Principal, Igor Belokrinitsky, in discussion with Health Industries Principal, Abbas Mooraj, on how cloud enables healthcare organizations to harness data and analytics, including:

  • Current cloud-based investments for providers
  • Future of the healthcare system’s cloud journey
  • Enterprise cloud computing’s return on investment
  • Leveraging cloud technologies to adopt a more patient-centric healthcare system

Tune into this episode of PwC's Next in Health to hear PwC Health Research Institute's Trine Tsouderos, in discussion with PwC’s Health Services Principal, Claudia Douglass, on the future of telehealth in a post COVID-19 world, including:

  • The current state of telehealth
  • Different types of telehealth services
  • Connected diagnostic devices and technical infrastructure requirements
  • Designing a more consumer-centric telehealth experience

Tune into this episode of PwC's Next in Health to hear PwC Health Research Institute's Benjamin Isgur and Trine Tsouderos cover a round-up of the latest COVID-19 headlines and trends, including:

  • Preventing the next pandemic with infectious disease forecasting
  • Global vaccine passports
  • Vaccine lotteries and incentives within the United States
  • COVID-19 variants, including B.1.1.7
  • U.S. government subsidized health coverage

Tune into this episode of PwC's Next in Health to hear PwC Health Research Institute's Benjamin Isgur and Trine Tsouderos, in discussion with PwC’s HIA Operations Strategy Principal, Namit Mehta and PwC's Cyber Security Principal, Robbie Higgins, on how organizations can build resiliency and plan for future potential supply chain disruptions, including:

  • Importance of scenario planning in building resiliency
  • Organizational interventions to consider and/or prioritize to secure the supply chain
  • Steps for organizations to take to begin scenario planning
  • Future technologies and their impact on the future health system

Tune into this episode of PwC's Next in Health to hear PwC Health Research Institute's Benjamin Isgur and Trine Tsouderos, discuss the risks employers should be aware of, if they decide to adopt a vaccine mandate in the workplace, including:

  • Whether employers can require employees to be vaccinated?
  • The influence that federal, state and local laws may have on employer mandates
  • Different types of employer incentives to encourage employee vaccinations
  • The history and growing controversy surrounding vaccine passports

Tune into this episode of PwC's Next in Health to hear PwC Health Research Institute's Benjamin Isgur and Trine Tsouderos, provide an update on the continued challenges we are experiencing due to COVID-19, including: 

  • COVID-19 reaches Mount Everest
  • The current job outlook for healthcare providers in the U.S.
  • Will the proposed TRIPS Agreement waiver, aid in equitable distribution of the COVID-19 vaccines in low-income countries?
  • How can we encourage people to get vaccinated?

Tune into this episode of PwC's Next in Health to hear PwC Health Research Institute's Benjamin Isgur and Trine Tsouderos in discussion with PwC’s Strategy& Partner, Will Nolen, on why quality improvement in healthcare is important, including:

  • The differing definitions of healthcare quality among stakeholders and consumers across the ecosystem
  • The association between healthcare quality and costs
  • The importance of designing more consumer centric quality offerings through technology and innovation
  • The significance of archetypes in the quality of healthcare

Tune into this episode of PwC's Next in Health to hear Health Research Institute leader, Benjamin Isgur, and Health Research Institute Regulatory Center leader, Trine Tsouderos in discussion with PwC’s Deals Strategy & Pharma and Life Sciences Principal, Claire Love, on what role private equity firms play, in the rapid growth market of gene and cell therapies, including:

  • What are the growth drivers for private equity firms?
  • What technologies and innovations can be leveraged to increase supply chain efficiency?
  • Opportunities and risks private equity firms should consider
  • Improving collaboration between the pharmaceutical industry and private equity investors

What does the remainder of the pandemic, and what does a Post-COVID-19 world hold for healthcare? What are the key healthcare business issues and trends for 2021, and what is the policy outlook under a Biden Administration that will impact you and your organization, and how can you best position for them? Attend the Nineteenth Annual Future Care Web Summit, which addresses these topics and more.

The 90-minute webinar agenda includes:

  • Top Health Industry Issues of 2021 and Policy Outlook - Crystal Yednak, Senior Manager, PwC Health Research Institute; and Ingrid Stiver, Senior Manager, PwC Health Research Institute
  • State of the health plan in 2021 - Natalie Trebes, Director, Advisory Board   
  • The Strategic Pricing Imperative - Chris Sukenik, Principal, BDC Advisors

What are the key healthcare business issues for 2018 that will impact you and your organization, and how can you best position for them? The Sixteenth Annual Future Care Web Summit addresses key trends and also focuses on several important cutting-edge healthcare business topics.

This session will discuss in detail PwC research findings, expand on individual factors that will "deflate" and inflate components of the medical cost trend for 2016, and address strategic implications for health plans, providers, employers, consumers and other stakeholders.

PwC research, insights and perspectives regarding the continued evolution towards private exchanges including defined contribution approaches.

Employer 2015 medical cost trends and implications for stakeholders

Insights and perspectives on the top health industry issues for 2014; results and stakeholder implications from the 2014 Segal Health Plan Cost Trend Survey; and a discussion of collaborations between health systems as the strategic impetus for the formation of clinically integrated networks.

PwC's HRI Health Exchange research and assessment of stakeholder positioning and recommended strategies going forward at the "opening bell" juncture for public Health Insurance Exchanges.

Employer 2014 medical cost trends and implications for stakeholders.

Sessions include: The race to 2014 - health reform and the 30 million newly insured; Employer Health Benefit Trends for 2013; and 2013: The ACO Surprise

This session presents detailed findings and analysis of PwC's 2011 HIX report, Change the channel: Health insurance exchanges expand choice and competition. It outlines the key strategic considerations for insurers as they gear up for participation in health insurance exchanges, including the impact of various exchange models on their business. Each state has flexibility in how to design and operate an exchange, which could mean dozens of variations in exchange models across the country. The differences could make some exchanges profitable for some insurers but not for others, and insurers will need to decide which ones they will enter. Join PwC's Serena Foong and Shannon Smith as they discuss PwC's HIX report in depth, address strategic considerations for stakeholders, and tackle your specific HIX questions.