The State of ASCs Today: Implications for Hospitals and Health Systems
The ambulatory surgery center (ASC) landscape continues to rapidly evolve, driven by market and legislative forces, patients, payers, and providers. Health systems and hospitals are under pressure from all sides to reduce costs, while changes in government regulations and commercial payer practices reward providers for migrating high‑acuity surgery to the ASC setting. This migration poses a financial threat to health systems, given the significance of surgical revenue. These combined factors motivate the need for ASCs and hospitals to develop and implement a comprehensive ASC strategy.
In this webinar, Naya Kehayes, Principal, and Sean Hartzell, Associate Principal, will discuss the current state of the ASC market, how migration is affecting hospitals’ strategic options, and how hospitals can engage in proactive strategies to survive and thrive in the changing surgical environment.
Event Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Event Webpage (Available for subscribers only)
Category(s): Hospitals and Health Systems
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